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Favourite Online Experience

I've recently been going at my collection of games that have what I consider pretty decent online modes. Playing the majority of Call of Duty's, Gears of War basically every sports game I could find an opponent on and a couple random titles like Splinter Cell and Dark Sector. Based on things such as overall balance, the playability and the variety of games I cranked through these games for a couple weeks.

Everything taken into consideration based on my personal experiences I had to give the honor of my favourite online experience to Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2. Narrowly beating out Gears of War 3, Modern Warfare 2 still has available games because it is considered by some the last great Call Of Duty title. Black Ops felt slower and more difficult to do different things to enjoy the game.

Little Online Play With The Famas

Of course playing Modern Warfare 2 games with one of my good friends and a group of random guys who were looking for a game may have swung my vote the online game is solid regardless. Some of my personal favourite things to do include:

1. Noob Toobing

2. Tactical Knife Running

3. Sniping

4. Anything with a silencer

I found sniping to be more difficult in Black Ops and Modern Warfare 3 while it comes naturally on the larger maps in Modern Warfare 2. Knife kills are hands down more effective in Modern Warfare 2 with the tactical knife being an amazingly fun way to frusturate your opposition. Our Noob Toob exploits are not because we think theyre cool, but because people cannot stand being killed by them. There is nothing more entertaining than ruining an opposition kill streak with a beautiful toob shot. Anything with a silencer is my personal preference, I dont like my movement to be seen on the radar and I find silenced weapons are not as disadvantaged as they are in other games.

Dont get me wrong, I love playing Gears of War online, it is so unique and entertaining the gameplay will never get old. I think Modern Warfare 2 got the swing vote with the variety it offers to players. Crazy combonations in the loadout with weapons, attachments and perks where Gears of War is pretty much set on the weapons and loadouts. Any other games I played such as Splinter Cell and Dark Sector were borderline impossible to find games in and although they are two of my favourites campaign wise the online factor just isnt there.

Finally if anybody is looking to play Modern Warfare 2 with some guys who take it as a game and nothing too serious add my gamertag XIX Switchblade and we'll run a few games with me and the lads I play with regularily.
