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League Of Legends Update

Well, its been a week or so of plugging away on Summoners Rift in some 5v5 strategy/rpg mayham. I have to admit I had my doubts about the game, even deleted it at one point but the more you learn the more the game makes sense and becomes really really fun. I started off using Ashe as a safe ranged pick, I've currently moved on to Anivia who is extremely powerful with the abilities she possesses but is a very hard champion to use right off the hop. I've had some minor success with Anivia, probably more than some people could say but I am considering moving on to a more tanky champion like Garen or Master Yi just to supplement my kill count. If anyone has any tips or decent tank experiences they have had with a certain champion dont be afraid to let me know and search NiftyMitten in the game to add me.