A new Sam Fisher? After 10 years might be a stretch of the imagination for UbiSoft. If there is a story behind this sudden voice change to make Sam sound 20 years younger then I would be interested in that being implemented into the games story somehow to give fans such as myself a background and make the transition to a new voice easier to grasp.
Based on the trailer for Splinter Cell: Blacklist the transition for me personally will be a tough one. Sam now lacks the anger and the kind of grizzled veteren voice that all Splinter Cell fans have come to know and love. I plan on giving Blacklist a chance though because although voice acting plays a huge part in the game story, the actual story itself looks really good and action packed.
If anyone doesnt give the game a chance they were never true Splinter Cell fans, but I do understand the frusturation because I have been on the Michael Ironside bandwagon since day one. But since Conviction was such a strong installment I will most definitely be picking up Blacklist when it drops early in 2013.