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thebeatles772 Blog

i got my school photos back today

hello, how is everyone.

today i had a science and english test, the english one wasn't to hard because i pay attention because my teacher says i have potential and shes really nice to everyone, but in science my teacher is strict and mean so no one, okay a few poeple, pay attention to him so when we were doing our science test which was four pages front and back me and all my friends cheated and looked in our books but a little snitch told sir so we all got our test taken off us and had to see miss grant and got a few detentions and get no marks on our tests so we all pretty much failed. but my mum won't care because i don't plan on being a scientist anyway and shes not very strict and neither is my dad. Also i got my school photos back today i look so bad and now almost every kid in year 7 at my school has a copy of it... errrr

um bye and thanx for reading.

do you believe in bloody mary?

bloody mary is an urban myth about a teenage girl who, about 150 years ago, got a very contagious disease, then after slipping into a coma goes to a docter, and the docter declares her dead. Mary goes into the ground with a string tied around her hand that runs all the way to the surface where its attatched to a bell, that way if she ever wakes up, because shes not really dead, her parents would know. anyway that night Mary's parents are so grief stricken that they really tie one on, and i don't mean like a string around the hand, they get hammered. anyway they get up the next morning, they look at the bell, they see that the bell is as they say off the hook. so what are they gonna do? they have to dig her back up, and they open the coffin lid, only this time it's way to late she's really, really dead and get this on the inside of the coffin there's bloody scratching marks on the lid of the coffin and some of her nails stuck in the lid.

The myth is that you stand in front of a mirror call her name bloody mary, bloody mary turn around a few times, you hear the bell, then she comes out of the mirror and scares you in to some sort of suspendid state where you can't talk, you can't move, you can't walk for about four days and day after day bloody mary reappears to you untill you go mad. then on the fourth day you die, your dead.

Any ways this is only the version that i've heard who knows if it's the original anyway there all basically the same but i liked this one the most. by the way i can't say that i would ever call apon bloody mary. would you?

um if you like you could tell me your own version of bloody mary, if you believe in it or if you have or would ever call apon bloody mary.

love you guys and thanx for reading. hope you enjoy my blogs.

i'm a total screw up

it started when i was 9 at my fathers 2nd marriage i was angry at him and hated the woman he was marrying so i ran off and found an esky full of vodka cruisers so i took quite a few and got pretty smashed but so did my dad so he didn't notice and everyone else that saw me couldn't care less. then when i was 10 my dad got divorced (yay) and things were getting better between us like before he got married. we spent more time together and i finally liked where i was in my life untill my mother decided without me that we were moving 3 hours away so when we did i got rebellious and at school i started mixing with the wrong people. I told my mother it was peer pressure but i was lying i started smoking, drinking again, staying out late, failing in school, getting suspended regularly, worrying my mum, pushing some of the most important people in my life away, starting fights and rumours for my amusement and going to parties - most of these things actually made me quite popular so i kept doing it. at one of the parties i was offered ecstasy but luckily smart enough to say know i had drawn the line on drugs. but unfortunately my best friend did not, he overdosed and almost died and that was it, i realized this madness had to stop and with the help of the school councelor i realized i had a problem. so i asked for the help i needed before it got completely out of control. in the end i moved back in with my father, started going to a therapist and doing group therapy for strugleing teens. i was actually the youngest one there and most people were quite shocked at my age. i thought therapy would be a waist of time and money and completly unnecessary but it wasn't, to my shock it really helped me through a horible time in my life and i think talking about it to other children going through almost the same thing really helped speed up the process and also made me feel like i wasn't a complete screw up knowing that this could and has happened to other kids in my situation. and luckily for me when my dad saw how good i was doing and how much progress i had made he let me go back to my old school with all my old friends it didn't feel the same but they seemed pretty glad to have me back and now i'm in the second highest really maked me feel like i had a weight lifted of my chest or sumfin when i was sharing with the rest of the theropy group. i much prefered talking to people that i didn't know. shareing things like how i was feeling when i did those things, why i started in the first place, what led me to addmitting i needed help and what was going through my head when i thought my best friend was going to die. I guess this whole experience changed my life and i know now never to go back to how i was then - i think i've disappointed my family enough for this lifetime. but i have no-one to blame but myself and i guess that i was just luckey to get out of that scene when i did and have so many loving people to help me through it :) i just hope that others in my kind of situation will read this and take this as there wake up call or there push in the right direction because they might not be as luckey as my best friend as to come off with just a near death expirience and i have to say it is one of the worst things in the world to put your parents through so if not for yourself do it for them :)

tracking someone

hi i just realised that i only have one blog post so i thought i might post another

how do you start tracking someone because i wouldn't have a clue and there are a few blogs that i really enjoy and would like to track and plus i really want to get a few friends in my list because i only have 2 and thats only because they started tracking me first

anyways if you read this and know it would really help me out

and thanx

my favourite friends quotes

i would have to say 1 of my favs would have to be

Joey: well i'm joey. yeah, i'm disgusting, i take my underwear off in other people's homes.

+ from same ep

Joey:I'm Joey. I mean, i'm disgusting. I make low-budget adult films

+ from same ep

Monica:I'm Monica. I'm disgusting. I stalk guys and keep there underpants

i'll add some when i think of them... and you can tell me yours in your comments