i've been posting in SW all the way since 2001, and lots of stuff is missing from the early days, especially things from ye olde forums where people like keichii morisato, ramza, alex watchtower, justin fink, myself, pope anonymous and a few others posted.
i was in the beta for the new lithium boards (for GS complete members) and i remember the drama when the switch occurred. most notably, all non-GS complete users had their names tagged with "_basic" and it started this complete vs. basic whinefest.
also, the thread needs more mention of billy the kid (especially the bill gates working for nintendo super-ownage), whipitgoo (his arguing for hot video game girls), the casey and ramza love-fiasco, jj campbell's "korea is a wild card", the cousin family (XcousinX, etc.)...
another thing is that during the exodus, the forum split further than just systemwars.com. prior to that, there was a big hubbub when people were no longer allowed to post OT topics in system wars, so a large group left to a private UCB for system wars 2. included were all the big names: ramza, remy, phreak, frizzy, spartan, lawndart, pope anonymous, evil taru, etc; then when they changed the boards again (exodus), we left to form systemwars2.com, which still stands with many of the regulars from that time period posting there.
so, systemwars.com and systemwars2.com together have a giant portion of the older forumites.
if any of this is repeated, sorry, i don't have time to read this whole thread.
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