@nervmeister: let's be honest KZ2 wasn't the Half Life of last gen. It was a good shooter with pretty graphics like we hadn't seen before but it didn't really show us why guerrilla would be any different to anybody else in the genre.
theboxmike's forum posts
Lol nice one cows nice...Killzone flops again. This is almost as bad as the original "Halo Killer" KZ with it's 6.9.
[QUOTE="theboxmike"]The big guys look alot harder than they really are. But the game looks great, one of the better looking shooters out right now.I have a PS3..........
And even i think Resistance has pretty *MEH* Graphics
I mean really most of the Textures look like MUD
Though the game it self is pretty good
Edit: Btw that picture looks insanly good to what i played at that level where you're on those giant poles thingy and you have to go down that air lift to fight that bit monstar thing, lol though he wasnt that hard all you had to do was pump a few clips with the bulleseye to get him down
Naa i think quite a few shooters look better..........
Gears does, Rainbow six does, Halo 3 beta does(think what you will), SP:DA does, Half Life 2: EP 1 does, ARMA Does, Perfect Dark zero does in 2 levels(the jungle one and the city rooftops one, simply look amazing beyond belief) and that's just of the top of my head
Though i will post pics to prove i have a PS3(though i dont have Resistance right now since i only hired it, but i do have the demo from PSN)
[QUOTE="theboxmike"][QUOTE="mutenpika"][QUOTE="theboxmike"][QUOTE="Stumpt25"][QUOTE="theboxmike"]I have a PS3..........
And even i think Resistance has pretty *MEH* Graphics
I mean really most of the Textures look like MUD
Though the game it self is pretty good
Edit: Btw that picture looks insanly good to what i played at that level where you're on those giant poles thingy and you have to go down that air lift to fight that bit monstar thing, lol though he wasnt that hard all you had to do was pump a few clips with the bulleseye to get him down
lol, really? i just side stepped and shot with any gun... i mean, his shots went at like... 2 km an hour...
and really? mine looks just as good if not better than that, so there must be a faulty cable with yours or summin :P
Meh i play it with the standerd VGA Cable at 480p(or i im not quite sure lol) mm but dont tell anyone this............i died agianst him once:P (though when he expoldes its hella funny lol!!)But i really dont think Resistance is graphiclly impressive i do have a 360 along with gears, and most of the time it smokes Resistance in the Graphic Department(though the Snow levels looks nice(aka that bridge level where you have to fight to stalkers and then that spider like thing)(danm that is hard)
But then again Resistance is a launch title.........so the sequal should look very nice:D
You played with a VGA cable? The PS3 has a VGA cable? Cool! Where'd you get it?
EDIT: On-topic, Resistance looks nice. While some textures get a little muddy, it's not too bad of a problem, plus the models and firefights look great. The graphics aren't as good as Kameo, but they're definitely pretty good.
It came with the PS3........:|Mine didn't. My PS3 came with a composite video cable (which was quickly cast aside for an HDMI cable). In fact, I'm not aware of a VGA cable for PS3.Composite? o lol that's probably what im talking aboutthe Red Yellow and White yeh? man i thought it was VGA lol
[QUOTE="theboxmike"][QUOTE="Stumpt25"][QUOTE="theboxmike"]I have a PS3..........
And even i think Resistance has pretty *MEH* Graphics
I mean really most of the Textures look like MUD
Though the game it self is pretty good
Edit: Btw that picture looks insanly good to what i played at that level where you're on those giant poles thingy and you have to go down that air lift to fight that bit monstar thing, lol though he wasnt that hard all you had to do was pump a few clips with the bulleseye to get him down
lol, really? i just side stepped and shot with any gun... i mean, his shots went at like... 2 km an hour...
and really? mine looks just as good if not better than that, so there must be a faulty cable with yours or summin :P
Meh i play it with the standerd VGA Cable at 480p(or i im not quite sure lol) mm but dont tell anyone this............i died agianst him once:P (though when he expoldes its hella funny lol!!)But i really dont think Resistance is graphiclly impressive i do have a 360 along with gears, and most of the time it smokes Resistance in the Graphic Department(though the Snow levels looks nice(aka that bridge level where you have to fight to stalkers and then that spider like thing)(danm that is hard)
But then again Resistance is a launch title.........so the sequal should look very nice:D
You played with a VGA cable? The PS3 has a VGA cable? Cool! Where'd you get it?
EDIT: On-topic, Resistance looks nice. While some textures get a little muddy, it's not too bad of a problem, plus the models and firefights look great. The graphics aren't as good as Kameo, but they're definitely pretty good.
It came with the PS3........:|[QUOTE="theboxmike"][QUOTE="xxThyLordxx"]Wow i bet you if they deved more for the PS3 than ported games to the 360 i bet you're thoughts would be alot different...........seriously, who gives a damn about Splinter Cell, the series needs to go on a break, every year a new sequel, the series is just like madden now. and also, Splinter Cell has always been crap. if there is a 360 port of this game on PS3, it will suck, Ubisoft a.k.a Nubisoft, Ubiflop, Ubiport, Ubifault and Ubicrap are crap developers.
same goes for liar
we are all hypocrites thats why we are in system wars right ?
Yes......:PThough there are some Devs that i could really care less about..............but Ubisoft anit bad, just very lazy lol
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