finnally reached the finishing line as far as levelling my druid is concerned , finished my kharazhan attunement and am currently rading on a daily basis
on my first raid got my first ever epic drop
bracers of the white stag
lvl 55 on my druid now its gonna take a few more weeks to get to 60
but with the release of burning crusade tommorow im looking at 70 before im done lving
cant wait for the release i have mine preordered so im gonna pick it up in the morning
finnally lvl 48 with my druid and and lvl 25 with my warrior
im trying to get to lvl 60 before brning crusade comes out i'll update on my progress in the coming weeks
this week i also started my first horde character on a roleplaying PvP server, its alot different from being on the alliance for instant ther are no short people.
if your on scarshield legion look me up my hunters name is darktail , he is lvl 20
this week my laptop broke!
no PC , no warcraft and still no replacement xbox from MS
then near the end of the week,i get a new pc ,its not great but is a vast improvement on the laptop and then DHL turn up the same day with my 360
not alot else happened and to top it off 8 hrs to download the two warcraft patches.
im finnaly playing world of warcraft,my character has lvled up to lvl 14,hes a druid and usually spends all day just killing monsters.
the online trial didnt work so i had to buy the retail version,but i am glad i'm finnaly on
i'm so close from joining world of warcraft ,i can almost smell the online air.
i'm downloading the 10 day free trial to test it on my computer and if it works well ,i'm gonna sign up full time.
its been a toss up for some time now if i was going to get this or final fantasy but after watching the latest south park episode i decided to pick WOW.
the xbox live scene is incredible at the moment every day i go on i find something new i'd like to download,and i love the fact that theres lots of demos to be played and xbla is gradually building .
this rocks
this is the main reason i havent been blogging,with the release of so many good games ,i just havent had time,
so far we've had
tekken dark ressurection PSP
just cause x360
dead rising x360
lego star wars and more and there is still a pile of good games still to be released this christmas is gonna be a good one
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