[QUOTE="rappid_rabbit"]The problem is some of the dumber cows actually believe everything the Sony propaganda machine has told them.
So they go to boards repeating the madness, and then it makes all the cows look bad...
Lemmings attack them...Cows have to defend..
Although I own all three next gen systems, I hear some of the most idiotic things about a console coming from the PS3 fans.
360 fans arent guilt free though, but if you want statements filled with idiocy and comedy....look to the cows
most idiotic things coming exclusively from ps3 fanboys? Remeber "$350 psp"? "The $900 ps3" "if you thought the ps2 was bad at launch just wait and watch the ps3: teh massive BDRE" (lemmings got selfowned really hard on that one) "teh ps3 games will cost $100" And my favorite one which was a massive over reactions from TGS: "You will have to pay for your demos, teh hidden PSN costs!!! Not free at all, LMAO" You might not find these to be a big deal but you're not looking at it from the cow prospective.
"MGS4 is coming to the 360 TCHBO"
"FFXIII to 360"
"Developers Jumping Ship TCHBO!"
"The Ps3 will overheat!"
"Ps3 has no games."
"PS3 is a piece of $@%^"
"PS3's Blu-ray scratches discs (I remember this one very well"
"Ps3 is dead"
"Sony is doomed!"
"Wii outselling PS3 9 to 1, TCHBO!"
"$600! lmao TCHBO!"
"Sony cuts jobs, TCHBO!"
"Kingdom Hearts 3 360!"
"Blu-ray is NOT needed"
"Gears looks better than all PS3 Games!"
"Lmao...! Cell!"
"Forza 2 looks better than GT5 TCHBO!"
"Sony gets big loan! Sony in Trouble!"
"Kutaragi leaves Sony, Jumping Ship!"
"Xbox live is 100 times better than PSN and always will!"
"The 360's GPU is better than the PS3's GPU!"
"360 ports look worse on PS3, TCHBO!"
"PS3 won't let you play rented games!! Sony patent!!"
"PS3 will never sell a million consoles!"
"Halo 3 will kill the Ps3! (true topic)"
"Wii60 > PS3 FACT!"
"LMAO PS3 lame motion sensing."
"OMFG no Rumble in Ps3!"
"Lair looks like Garbage."
"Kameo looks better than most PS3 games!"
"Ps3 has lost Japan!"
"Killzone will flop!"
"FF on the 360!"
"LMAO DMC4 multiplat to 360 TCHBO!"
"LMAO no 2 ethernet ports?!"
"20gb has no hdmi! Crippled version!"
"It looks like a Ps2 game!"
"Sony is arrogant!!!!"
"The only people who would buy a Ps3 are idiots."
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