- thedemon44’s Activity
@bdrtfm: Losing this much talent is usually a bad sign. CDPR's days may have just ended as a studio we can rely on for quality games.
@jimg81: Strange take angry person.
"Where the industry says bigger is better, we're setting our sights on highly polished games with a focus on emotion, story, and craftsmanship.""You can see how discontented they are with Cyberpunks ...
@angrycreep: I'll take Steam over any of the competition any day. And 30% is standard btw.
At all.
Screw Nintendo. I feel dirty each time I purchase a game from them for a family member who I know will enjoy the product without concern for the politics. The family member might have a clear conscien...
@wolfpup7: Steam Deck runs Linux, not windows. Have you seen a Steam Deck? Your comments below lead me to believe you have not. For what it's worth Steam Deck is two words. It seems to intuitively wa...
Steam Deck is a real nice device. So good in fact, a competing product doesn't even pique my interest. It would have to be damn impressive to compete with the Steam Deck, and I can't see it being good...
@hectorv: Well stated.
@hal_jordan121: It died long before covid. Covid just helped us avoid the worst of the death throes.
@inmycontrol: A voice of reason on this site. Nice to see my friend.
@Baconstrip78: I'm not sure you see reality as it really is.
"E3 could possibly appear again in future years."Please don't insult my intelligence. It's done. E3 is done. What was, will never be again. You will never have the big boys back in the mix, they real...
@Sorrow_316 pleb gaming ftw?:
@Barighm: That's not how commenting works. Any person can comment on anything, without any regard for "self-control". Your logic is quite flawed.
@iambobthebush: Say it with me, "Took a Moneybag." If you support that, you are supporting one of the worst aspects of PC gaming.
@redviperofdorne: You honestly sound like you got paid to say that.
Number of times I will replay BL3: 0 Number of times I will play BL3: 0 Not supporting scummy practices is real easy, saves money for other great games.
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