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First blog for the showshow.

Hello, fellow members.  This is theeman2000.  I'm making this blog to let you all know of an upcoming show that I and my partner for the show hope to get started on this website called the "ShowShow".  It is a show that we hope to have at least once every two weeks, but it should happen more often during summer season and less often during the other three.  It is a show FOR THE PEOPLE and BY THE PEOPLE.  We hope to have our viewers send videos and other images to us so that we can put it on our show.  Please feel free to comment on the title of the show, give ideas, and any other comments you may want to make.  We hope for the show to start in summer 2007, but I or my partner will make new blogs when we have a release of the first video.  We also need some charter members to start a ShowShow Union for pitching ideas.  Please respond.  Send messages to theeman2000, or richassassin.