pro-life, but exceptions with rape
thegame458's forum posts
Be funny, a little outgoing. Be comfortable and don't go put your hands all over her unless you feel that she is comfortable already(ie. grabbing hands, arm around shoulder). Bring up a good topic, and she will be talking for HOURS! And most of all, have fun. If she likes you, she likes you.
[QUOTE="acsam12304"][QUOTE="Stanley09"]"Who killed more people in the Bible?" ?????? :|Stanley09
now Bible times? so what happened you got converted with in the past few hours?
you said God doe snot exiest and the Bible is notthing but a fairy tale book.
sow hats up with you saying who killed more people stats and whats up with you saying "Bible times"
strike 2
even if you dont Believe in God or the Bible put it this way. the Bible promotes moral value right from wrong and its a type of guide in how you should life your life in a good way with respect.
think about it. if the Bible is not real and God is not real this world will be 100 times worst then it is right now. if people thinks that i die and thats it hell they will do whatever the F they want and not have and remorse for it.
people will rob people will kill and not care becuase there is not think that is going to punish them for the wrong things they did in life, after they die
The bible is filled with basic morals such as dont murder, dont steal, etc. We don't need "god" to tell us what is right and wrong. Why don''t athiests go on crazy crime binges then by your logic? The bible was written to keep people in line back in ancient times and scare them If you want to compare people of those times and of now, people were always sinful and always will be. In concern with the "crazy crime binges", of course not everyone is like a Hitler or some mass murderer or such. However, in that case we would be comparing our righteousness to the people of the world. We have to look at ourselves from God's standards. Since Jesus died for our sins, we don't become right with God from following the Ten Commandments. The Ten Commandments is to show us how dirty and sinful we are. But, since God loves us, in the book of John 1:12 it said "But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God" (referring to Jesus). The only way to God is through Jesus. -And by the way, to be a murderer, it doesn't necessarily mean that you actually killed someone, but even if you hated someone, that makes you a murderer[QUOTE="MurasakiYugata"]
My impression was that all you had to do was accept Jesus Christ into your heart and repent for your sins to be let into the kingdom of heaven. The way you actually lead your life other than that is irrelevant.
Well the way you lead your life is pretty much indicative of whether you were actually sincere or not in your repentance. I will grant though that many Christians tend to make it out to be as though one can just say a bunch of words and go through a set ritual and then you're set. It's not what you do; it's why you do it and where your heart is.
Very Well Said.I'm a Christian. I wont spend my time here to convince people that they are wrong. But, one thing about faith is giving your heart and soul to God is living in His will, letting Him be your owner. Building faith in God takes time through our lives of trust, belief and applying what we learn from lessons in the bible into our lives. There are some Christians who try to make it seem like they're perfect(or people that think that), but the truth is that we have problems and we sin like everyone else. It doesn't mean I'm sinless, I just try to sin less. But going into the subject of death, as I mentioned earlier about living in God's will, if I was to die, it would be because God knows it's my time to be with Him in heaven because my work on Earth is done. Although I don't know how I'll die, I'm not worried because I know it's in God's hands.
The truth is the lack of faith. We usually need to see something before believing in it.However, there is no exact physical way to prove God isthere because people have many different theories and beliefs of why things are the way they are. Faith is 100% of it
Seriously, if you work with her, you dont even have to worry about asking her out yet. Just get used to talking to her whenever you can at work. Just say hi to her and start some small talk and keep on getting used to talking to her, and then she"ll start getting comfortable and get to like you. Then everything after that is quite natural.
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