Well ima b honest, i was looking forward to watchdogs, it actually was one of the games i preorder for my ps4. I just dont think the line up for ps4 is that amazing to me, xbox 1 line is more for me but im getting it next yr, so ill just stick with my ps4, and probably just play killzone and indie games, better games will come out eventually. I just hope this delay is worth it..
U kno wat this is the year of? This is the year that everyone bitchin about EVERYTHING!! My god ppl, jus sit down and play so video games or read or something..
It jus not cool, and it is kinda confusein.. so pretty much if a female is offering sex in a fantasy world its ok, but putting rape in a game is jus bad in general?? This is the reason why GTA and other dark games dnt allow it i guess bcuz of this reaction. Some female gamer isnt goin to want to see anything about a rape in any scene of a game let alone a 8-bit indie game
So if someone is cosplaying Quite at the TGS, wearing the same outfit some wat, is that icky also? or is that a different statement cuz it has something to do with the gamin industry and MGSV? Im jus confuse on wat this guy really means..
ok ok.. u like breast like the next guy but your calling a female in a video game icky?? so is he calling the model mocaping quiet icky?? or is he confuse about wat Kojima wants to do?? i think this guys clearly has something wrong with his statement.. and wth is a man babies??
Couldnt have say it better myself "whiny assholes" lol seem like this is the year from everyone to have something to whin about..smh . And over COD??.. smh.. kids these days
Really?? But fightin games aint pro sport material, take more skill in a fightin game then any other i think.. Thats mess up for actually REAL people who play REAL sports not some fairy tale bs.. smdh
Its a trick, xbox isnt goin to go back to the policies after they have a team of people workin on the 180, idk i guess we can see wat happen once MS reply to it, guess we can see wats this new female boss is about. Seem like people is only signin it for that 10 free game crap and to also see MS fail.. wat a shame smh
Ima try to b pg-13 for this, but i think this xbox one online petition is fu***** stupid, how would a couple 1000 of people make a difference in to goin back to wat we didnt want in the first place. So these people, want to keep there games forever, want to check in every 24hrs, want to have region lock and always have your internet on to play the games online and offline?Its stupid, seem like to me its jus bunch of jackasses having a fit about not being able to share there games with people and family members for free. I think thats the BIG change for the future of entertainment that these a****** are doin this for. The reason why the policies change in the first is cuz it wasnt jus a couple 1000 of people mad bout it, IT WAS HALF THE DAMN WORLD that had a problem with it, people everywhere, even members of GS had a problem with it, so they had to do the 180 cuz no one other then the 1000 of some odd people who sign the petition would had brought it with the policies. So why would these people do this, why would these people wannna mess up wat millions of people hated about the xbox one polices in the first place? For free game share to family members? Really?? people sometimes r so stupid they dont even kno it..smdh
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