You should play type-0 to see how they implemented auto attack because its really no big deal when you still have many options to fight how you want.
The character is using the normal attack in a loop there, but this would get you killed in a seconds with a strong enemy. You have to dodge the enemy attacks (dedicated evasive button there too) attack (options in term of holding the stick up, down or normal attack), cast spells (can be charged), use summons or ultimate magic (Need to make a decision before the mission starts). Then you can attack the enemy in a small time window to make critical damage (allows you to fight extremly hard enemies which should be impossible to beat at a certain level) and switch between characters on the fly.
You should really play FF-type-0 to get a sense of the combat style. This one looks more grounded and slowerpaced which im thankfull of because it can get really hectic in type-0.
The only thing I didnt like about this news is the deck system because I wanted to chose my weapons at any time myself.
But I like what im hearing about the pause function.
By the way, you are wrong about noctis being the only playable character.
Edit: Now that I think about it. Maybe you could just chose a single weapon in the deck and main that one then bringing up the menu and allocate another weapon.
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