I'm not. I'm just upset that the PC Master Race exists. They have spoilt the PC. I remember when I was younger and used to play on my PC and it was amazing all the things I could do with it. I was blown away when I had my voodoo 1 PC. It was just crazy playing games in 640x480 while PS1/N64 was stuck with 320x240. And then all the other shit PC allowd you to do. But that never once stopped me from popping Tekken 3, Crash Bandicoot, Medievil, 40 Winks, Driver, Spyro, Disruptor, and many more amazing games only available on consoles. I never looked at the PC as 'superior'. I just saw it as an alternative with it's own games and strengths. I remember looking on the internet about PC gaming back in the day and it was completely different to now. Everyone was respectable and mature. There was no bullshit surrounding it. It felt like a haven from the console wars.
But now, it's like your favorite holiday destination is now full of tourists where before it was peaceful and just right. Now when you look on emulator videos, there are comments saying "PC MASTER RACE", and "console peasants only wish they could do this" etc. It used to be people just praising the progress of the emulator and helping others out. Nowadays, people feel the need to put PC against consoles as if they are really the same thing. A PC is as different from a console as a console is from a mobile phone/tablet.
What i'm saying is, there are too many 16 year olds or 'used to be' console gamers getting into PC's and jumping on the master race bandwagon, without really knowing what they are talking about. We live in a world where a teenager who has supposedly "ascended" to the master race can call a self respecting gamer who has primarily gamed on consoles for perhaps decades, a peasant or an idiot etc. And then that kid who knows precisely **** all about the real advantages of PC will instinctively get praised and backed up by other MR brethren while that gamer on consoles (who could very well be a successful person in real life), gets ridiculed for being 'inferior'.
People who have a problem with consoles are really pathetic. And vice versa. I just have a problem with modern day PC culture. It stinks.
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