Gas or Video Games?
by thegroove13 on Comments
Gas prices have reached a point where I'm considering cutting my video game budget. Right now it is $3.09 a gallon in the Northern Kentucky, Cincinnati are and only getting higher. My wife and I are getting ready to trade in our SUV for a mini-van to save on our gas, but money is still going to be tight. I spend a fair amount of money on video games even though I only buy used games. I know there will probably be a pretty good sale going on at GameStop this labor day weekend, but can I really spend my hard earned money on a bunch of games I probably won't play all that often? I collect more than I play and this may change the course of my buying. I will have to look at only collecting games that are really dirt cheap or really good quality games that I would play someday. But how can I cut my budget? I love collecting games. I really enjoy getting a good deal on a bunch of games to add to my collection. The better solution is to figure out a way to increase my income. I guess it is time to really get motivated with some small business ideas I've got in the hopper and do a lot of praying.