PSP looking better and better
by thegroove13 on Comments
Well Sony has released there latest update for the PSP. Wow! I could actually see myself trying to get a hold of one of these in the near future. Sony is really doing a lot to combine a lot of functionality in the PSP. I can surf the web, play my MP3's, watch a movie or TV show, play video games, and lots more. This seems to becoming the ultimate traveling device for those of us who hit the road quite frequently, but have no desire to lug around a computer or large piece of hardware to play video games on. I'll have to look into it, but if they rent movies for the PSP at the local Hollywood Video, it could be the icing on the cake. My biggest problem is how cheap I am about shelling out money for high priced items. I mean the Xbox 360 is right around the corner as well as the PS3. Oh, the decisions. My other hang back seems to be the burned out pixels on the PSP. How big is the problem really? That will be my next little item to research. Now if they could only add a cell phone feature and a daily organizer to this.