Yes, I did post this to someone elses blog first as a comment, but heck, I'll plagarize myself, and post it here as a blog entry, considering I haven't posted here in forever... :D (well, since the start of Guildwars, the game that has consumed my life ever since with its 2 latest iterations, Factions and Nightfall :D)
Yes, I'm still playing GuildWars.. What a great series of games.. The only game thats managed to hold my attention for this long... Guildwars and Battlefield 2142 are presently my gaming life... You?
---> Begin self-plagarized Post:
The State of Gaming Releases, 2007
I'm staying as FAR away as I possibly can from Command and Conquer 3 because I, like many others know that any franchise EA touches (read: buy's out) from an amazing independent developer like Westwood Studios turns to crap (See: C&C: Generals, Earth and Beyond, BFV, etc. etc. etc). Battlefield has been half decent, but EA support is still atrocious/insufficient.. There are quite a few good quality titles to still look forward to though, like the new Quake perhaps, UT2007 and Metroid 3.
Spore and Supreme Commander are 'must buys' for me too.. All-in-all, an amazing gaming year yet to come, with so many games released that have been in development for sooo long (ie: spore, Supreme cmmdr). Lets hope the games outdo the hype!