theman6788's forum posts
I don't know...i took it from a computer build i saw online. The other guy's build didn't have SLI either but it was a different more powerful hard. What would you recommend?
When you say it seems ok, do you mean i could be doing better for the price? All the components minus the monitor comes out to 900 after shipping.
Ok, thanks for the help so far. I'm planning on building this pc following mostly a build i saw online. I have questions about some things and i'd appreciate it if you guys could clear things up.
Computer's Purpose: Gaming, watching movies, internet
-Is there anything special about this case? Anyone you'd recommend over it? This one?
-Saw something about these having problems, should i be concerned? What would i replace it with? I don't think i will be using dual video cards.
-Picked the Dual Core because i heard that they are mostly faster when it comes to games, quads are for video editing(i will not be doing that)
Video Card:
-I realize that this will probably be the bottleneck of my system. With the new cards comming out soon i figured that this would allow me play my AoC well until around x-mas when i pick up something better.
-Looks decent for cheap...
Hard Drive:
-Seems kinda pricey for being so small but supposedly its fast. What do you guys thing?
-This part is one that worries me the most. 650w seems kinda low compared to what i see others including. Will i be fine since i don't plan to have two video cards? I tend to use alot of things like webcams, external hard drives, etc, will this effect it?
-Just looking for opinion on this.
I'm hoping that this setup will give me a good semi-budget gaming pc for the next two years. I plan on upgrading the video card and getting another 2 gigs of ram this christmas. The procesor seems to be good for overclocking so i can attempt that down the line if it lags behind the rest.
Also, am i forgetting anything major? I know i need a dvd player, mouse, keyboard, network card, speakers...anything else? Thanks again guys.
Well for you guys who have been around for a while, around how much will the price drop be and how soon? I sort of have this few week window now where i'm not busy but then i'm going to be going back to college and then i won't be able to get stuff shipped.
I'm basically trying to find out how bad it'll hurt me not to wait. What if I go for one of those SLi set ups, buy one 8800gt now and one after the price drops? Or should i just say screw it and leap in, hopping for the best?
Well i installed AoC the other day and the game refused to run acceptably on even the lowest settings so i decided its time to upgrade. My current computer is a laptop so upgrading isn't an option. I built a pc around 6 years ago but i had help from a pc guy but he is no longer available to me. I'm looking for some support and help getting walked through the process.
First, can you guys confirm that building a pc is always cheaper? Last time i looked into desktops i was told something along the lines that since companies like dell order in bulk their systems actually can come out cheaper.
Assuming this isn't true i need to set a price range. What is the amount i need to spend to get the most bang for my buck? I don't believe anything from the old system is salvagable except the speakers so i will need to buy it all. I was looking somewhere in the range of 1000-2000. The lower the better of course. I'd like to be able to play any games i want for at least 2 years with upgrades. Definetely want upgradability.
Number one thing is games for me. I also watch and transfer alot of movies on external hard drives so firewire would be nice. I have 1TB of external hd space so a big hard drive isn't necessary.
Any help you guys could give would be great.
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