Hey folks!
Pretty much floating around in the same boat, here! I've had a channel for a while, now which is littered with a plethora of etcetera, (film contests, metal detecting, music covers several of which are actually video game songs on a chapman stick, and what-have-you) and have only recently started to record and release video game related videos! The first one is a sort of Angry Video Game Nerd parody (which I'm excited to do more of) and the others are styled more like James and Mike Mondays, both of which are by Cinemassacre. You know, two (or more) dudes sitting on a couch playing mostly obscure, nonsense games and making jokes! It's been a lot of fun to do and regardless of viewers or not, we want to keep doing them! But of course, viewers would be nice to have! Haha...
Anyway, I'd be happy to do a classic you scratch my back I'll scratch yours scenario with anybody! AKA I'll follow you and you follow me! Or whatever, just check out each other's channels! For the record, my videos are definitely a little more on the NSFW side of the fence sometimes...
So if anyone wants to check it out, here's the link to my channel! Just click on the playlists and check out the video games section! Unless of course you're also into things like metal detecting and video game music covers with a weird instrument... in which case check those out, too!
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