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#1  Edited By Themsweetshoes
Member since 2018 • 9 Posts

So I ordered this third party Wii rifle accessory which we did a video on and it was a pretty sweet accessory, but I thought it could be even better! So I modded it out a bit in a separate video and then made a 2.0 video! Check them out here!

Wii Rifle Original

Wii Rifle MODS

Wii Rifle 2.0

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#2  Edited By Themsweetshoes
Member since 2018 • 9 Posts

Cheers! Check out my AVGN-esque parody-ish review of an SNES game I stumbled upon called, Cool World! I'd always wanted to do some sort of angry review on a video game and once I pulled this gem out of a box lot and popped it in, I just knew the time had come!

Anyway, we also have a handful of "Let's Play" styled videos and even some video game music covers on a Chapman Stick! So check those out, too... Lates!

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#3  Edited By Themsweetshoes
Member since 2018 • 9 Posts

While I can't argue against the graphical superiority and power of a computer (assuming it has been modded/designed/upgraded to handle as much) I still simply cannot see myself hunched over a keyboard gaming away. While I loved (and still love) the Age of Empires and original Warcraft games which are designed to be played on a computer, when it comes to what I'd consider to be console-based video games nothing replaces sitting on the couch, controller in hand, feet kicked up with my system hooked up to my tv across the room! Call it nostalgia, maybe I'm a dinosaur of the modern age of gaming but I am and forever will be a console guy! Plus, I spend enough time staring at my computer for work, I need a break... from that screen, at least!

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#4 Themsweetshoes
Member since 2018 • 9 Posts

@saintseiya100: That's totally it! Just looked up a video and man, the memories! I loved that game as a kid! Thanks a lot!

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#5 Themsweetshoes
Member since 2018 • 9 Posts

I'm so happy someone made this thread! I've been dying to remember this game that was either for the Gameboy Color or Gameboy Advance!

As I can recall, it was a classic Warcraft style game with two races to choose from, humans and presumably orcs and/or orc-like creatures. There were several levels in which you built basic structures like a barracks for melee units and a range or whatever for archers (I think the orc or whatever they were army had skeleton archers), you explored around the several levels to reveal an otherwise shadowed/blacked-out map and completed the various tasks. The only other distinct detail I can recall was that you could find dragon eggs and bring baby dragons into your army which were pretty powerful!

Anybody have any idea?

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#6  Edited By Themsweetshoes
Member since 2018 • 9 Posts

Absolutely they are! It doesn't matter how many times I play the Donkey Kong Trilogy on SNES or the Tony Hawk's games on PS2; they are a blast every time! But I just can't seem to get myself to play through the bulk of my more modern games more than once, if even once! And I honestly believe it's because so many of the more modern games are driven more by graphics with a weird gaming engine or a far too in-depth, complicated storyline with long cinematics that eat away at the actual gameplay time! I mean, don't get me wrong I love a good story! But I much prefer a polished game with strong, tried and true mechanics!

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#7  Edited By Themsweetshoes
Member since 2018 • 9 Posts

Hey folks!

Pretty much floating around in the same boat, here! I've had a channel for a while, now which is littered with a plethora of etcetera, (film contests, metal detecting, music covers several of which are actually video game songs on a chapman stick, and what-have-you) and have only recently started to record and release video game related videos! The first one is a sort of Angry Video Game Nerd parody (which I'm excited to do more of) and the others are styled more like James and Mike Mondays, both of which are by Cinemassacre. You know, two (or more) dudes sitting on a couch playing mostly obscure, nonsense games and making jokes! It's been a lot of fun to do and regardless of viewers or not, we want to keep doing them! But of course, viewers would be nice to have! Haha...

Anyway, I'd be happy to do a classic you scratch my back I'll scratch yours scenario with anybody! AKA I'll follow you and you follow me! Or whatever, just check out each other's channels! For the record, my videos are definitely a little more on the NSFW side of the fence sometimes...

So if anyone wants to check it out, here's the link to my channel! Just click on the playlists and check out the video games section! Unless of course you're also into things like metal detecting and video game music covers with a weird instrument... in which case check those out, too!
