@The_Last_Ride: one word or a sentence should do
themubashir's forum posts
Doing a quick survey of what you guys think when you hear:
Let's see what all we can come up with
Could have fooled me.
Well sorry then that your mistaken.
But it was a honest question since its not entirly a secret what LA Norie is and what the game is about.
But let me ask in another way, what was it you found boring?
The game was boring, pretty sure I already pointed that out...
BTW: I wasnt mistaken, more like mislead by your immature response to a negative comment on a game you obviously like. Or, maybe I wasnt mislead either, maybe I was just right. I doubt you would ever admit to that though. Understand that sometimes, some people have different preferences and different opinions of a game to what you have, theres no need to call them COD fanboys and be all wank about it or try and delve deeper into what it is they dont like about it so that you can derail a thread onto a 5 page argument where you believe your opinion is always right. Dont you have better things to do?
I dont understand. LA Noire is simply outstanding. There is a reason its called a 'Noire' and if you didnt like it, there is no point arguing with people who do. I personally loved the game and I think its one of those outstanding games that let story-telling do the job. Its a perfect blend of everything. Maybe yes, there are some minor issues here and there but its a good gaming experience and that's about. So guys, give it a rest. Peace!
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