Yea The Guy that dident like typical MMO's really has a good game in mind, here hoping it turns out that waySounded like it could be interesting until they said it would be canceled (ie a console MMO). But barring the likelihood of the game ending up not happening...
I would be more interested if they took it somewhat seriously. They're going for the fun violence and cool kickass-ness angle. Like Dead Rising meets the Resident Evil movies or some such. But I like that guy who didn't like typical MMO's, because I don't either. So I'm still interested. Fun violence still sounds like fun after all.
theonekiller's forum posts
Yep. I've been keeping an eye on this. Looks very least so far. Not much to really report on.TheMoreYouOwnYea It does look interesting..... Here's hoping it doesn't turn the same way out , like APB
Hey Guys... So i remebered some time ago Undead Labs announced they were making a massively multiplayer online zombie game, i just wanted to know what peoples thoughts and ambtions for this game , Iver read a few of the developers blogs on their website, and it seems like it can turn out to be quite the game if all they have said can be achieved. But i really dont know what to think so far of it ... so i just wanted to know peoples thoughts on the project :D
Now ..... only if you gave us the Monster Hunter Series then you would make me speechless. cmon capcom!!!
I think Jade Cocoon should get a sequel i think it was very under appreciated, i liked it very much for the uniqueness in every monster that you acquired, and there was a huge amount of unique monsters.
Yea i wouldn't really consider the Marvel Ultimate Alliance games RPG's. I meant games that have co-op that look similar and play like WKC and FF ,Well..
- Sacred 2
- Marvel Ultimate Alliance
- Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2
You don't have many choices.
Yea i said , i dident mind the scores but i really wanted to play with my friends, and they are the ones that are anal about scores and stuff so that sucks for me :(Why would you let a score deter you from playing something that might interest you? I have been following WKC for a while and have been looking forward to it. I think the scores that IGN and Gamespot gave it are totally inaccurate. I went ahead and purchased the game anyway and so are I have to say that I am enjoying it quite a bit. Im not saying it's a great game without flaws but it's very enjoyable for me personally. It will definately hold me over till FF13.
Hopefully Level 5 improves on the game the second go around.
Hey guys
Now that White Knight Chronicles dident live up to expectations for me. I was sorta upset because the most part i was looking forward to was the online co-op feature. Now that its a flop i wont be able to enjoy it not due to the score for me personally but because my freinds go mostly by scores i wont be able to enjoy it with them :(
So what i want to know is, are there any similar games coming out or currently out that will have a similar co-op online experiance? WRPG OR JRPG dosent matter.
thanks Evreyone
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