I just finished playing Earthbound, and like many JRPGs it had an amazing story and a good battle system. Unlike many JRPGs, it had humour, believable characters, and an inoffensive amount of Japanese tropes that are unappealing to those who don't like anime or manga.
You want to know why people may not like JRPG's? (I consider myself on the fence about them, I've beaten about a dozen):
1. They have changed very little over 20 years.
2. They are often repetitive.
3. Their stories, while good, could often be told with 98% of the detail in half the gameplay time.
4. They are occasionally creepy (yeah sure, that's great that they have scantily clad kids... oh oops, I forgot the translators raised that to a marginal 18.) and are overly niche with their content.
5. They have severely dropped in quality and quantity over the last 8 years, more so than any other significant genre.
6. Recently, many of the best JRPGs are technically not JRPGs because they weren't made in Japan (Child of Light.)
People like all sorts of games and that's cool by me. but you cannot argue with facts, and the above would be considered as such by 95+% of the gaming community.
If millsvard said what he said in 2000, I would have joined you in suspicion. In 2014, his opinion is completely reasonable, and attacking it really only proves you a raving fanboy / fangirl.
Not understood in context.... bullshit.... stop lying to real gamers and announce & release the next gen already! Obnoxious casuals are the only ones who do not want a new generation for all 3 systems as soon as possible.
@mikepp83 All five articles are about game industry figures stating that the Wii U is equal or slightly less powerful than the 360 or PS3. Please, do yourself a favor and learn to read.
P.S. The Xbox 720 article (which may be fake) states the 720 is 6X more powerful than 360. 360 is about equal to Wii U, so my former statement is true if the article you mentioned is real. Thanks for the assist. Now please, go back to your Nintendo troll cave, because I have a twenty page research paper on financial key ratios to finish.
“If you look at the game Assassin’s Creed III, which was recently announced or shown, you can’t see much difference when you compare it with games for other companies’ systems,” That's Iwata's own words, you stupid troll.
Oh, and here's another: http://www.ign.com/articles/2012/06/01/the-next-generation-according-to-game-developers
Oh, some more here, http://wii.ign.com/articles/122/1222184p1.html
There you go, no less than 5 articles clearly stating how underwhelming the Wii U tech is. Second, all the tech specs you mention are rumor only. You have no evidence or proof. Even the very few developers that state that the Wii U is more powerful than the 360 and PS3 always imply that it is SLIGHTLY more powerful, not significantly. Any serious gamer, who is actually knowledgeable about gaming, (I.E. not a trolling fanboy like you) will eat their own hat if the 720 and ps4 are not a minimum of 3-6X more powerful than the Wii U.
If you read the statements coming directly from the Nintendo executives, you'll notice they continually avoid and make excuses about ANY question that asks about the Wii U's specs or relative power.
All that being said, if the Wii U is released at a reasonable price ($200-$250, any more is robbery). I will probably buy it day 1. That being said, I will be an informed buyer who knows the systems capabilities, not a fanboy who acts like they took 5 hits of acid.
@mikepp83 Listen man, If you like the Wii U that's fine. I bought a Wii at midnight, and I just bought a brand new computer with a Radeon HD 7870 graphics card. I bought the 360 at launch, and the PS3 within two years of it coming out. What you really need to stop doing, is pulling lies out your ass about the Wii U being significantly more powerful than the 360 or PS3. Many more developers (3rd party) have complained about the Wii U's lack of power than have praised it's supposed "innovation". If the Wii U was as powerful as you say, Nintendo would release it's specs rather than explicitly stating that people won't know what's inside it till they take it apart after it comes out. (I think it was Reggie) Again, buy a Wii U and enjoy it if you like, but stop acting like a little butt hurt 13 year old.
@mikepp83 First of all, I bought all three systems this generation. Second, The wii is about as powerful as xbox 1, (specs ARE available for that) while MULTIPLE developers have implied or outright stated that the Wii U is either slightly less powerful than, the same as, or slightly more powerful than xbox 360 and ps3. (look it up in the search bar, dont take my word for it.) So do yourself a favor and stop being a Nintendo fanboy smart-ass.
Thank God, someone else who realizes that Nintendo will eventually fail with its home console strategy of the past six years. (by which I mean, the "let's relase a underpowered system one generation behind the competition fueled by gimmicks that only has a couple good games per year not aimed at the casuals" strategy.)
I would rather have a Call of Duty and FIFA sequel each year along with some innovative indie games, as opposed to a mobile-style marketplace. I can count on one hand the number of mobile games that have kept me engaged over 5 hours.
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