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thepunisher_kpb Blog

Play Station 3 !!!!!!


ever since this game waz released i've been thinkinabout gettin a PS3 [ well i've been thinkin about it since finishing GOD OF WAR II ]

nd i'm not sayin that there rn't good gamez other than GoW III but it's just that i LOVE THAT GAME ... so i'll get a PS3 soon [ on July i hope :D ]

P.S some1 will be VERY happy 2 know about this :D hehe

New X360

Hi Every1 nd all i want 2 say iz that 2009 iz an awesome yaer cuz i bought a new X360 at the 2nd day of 2009

so it's great that i'm back in the gaming world


Children of Bodom

children of bodom iz 1 of the greatest metal bandz in the world nd i don't have much 2 say about them but they are the reason why i listen2 Metal Muzic nd when i listen 2 COB it's az if i waz in heaven .

COBHC iz :



3-Jaska Raatikainen.

4 -Henkka Seppala.

5-Roope Latvala.

Ninja Gaiden 2

Ninja Gaiden 2 iz a great gama nd i played it yesterday at my friend's X360 [SilentHill360] nd everything in the game waz amazing nd now i'm feeling so bad for selling my X360 nd it's unfair that gamespot voted 8 for this game it's just unfair

The Punisher 2

"The Punisher 2" - Waging his one-man war on the world of organized crime, ruthless vigilante-hero Frank Castle sets his sights on overeager mob boss Billy Russoti. After Russoti is left horribly disfigured by Castle, he sets out for vengeance under his new alias: Jigsaw. With the "Punisher Task Force" hot on his trail and the FBI unable to take Jigsaw in, Frank must stand up to the formidable army that Jigsaw has recruited before more of his evil deeds go unpunished. New film will be set in New York, where Castle runs up against a mobster. Ray Stevenson takes over the Castle roll from Thomas Jane. "The Punisher 2" marks the third big screen incarnation for "The Punisher" movie series, which originated in a comic book about Frank Castle, a Marine-turned-vigilante who is driven by a desire to avenge the murder of his family after they witness a gangland killing. The first time "The Punisher" saw the big screen was in 1989 film that starred Dolph Lundgren and then into a 2004 pic, entitled "The Punisher," that starred Thomas Jane.

So high on the prospect of doing a sequel to "The Punisher," Lionsgate commissioned the above poster for "The Punisher 2. " Note, however, that though Thomas Jane is pictured in the top left of the poster and whose name also appears on the poster - THOMAS JANE DOES NOT star in "The Punisher 2." So, expect a new 'official' "The Punisher 2" poster from Lionsgate sometime later this year.

STARRING: Ray Stevenson, Dominic West, Doug Hutchinson, Wayne Knight, Dash Mihok, Julie Benz
DIRECTOR: Lexi Alexander
STUDIO: Lionsgate
RATING: R (For violence, language)
THEATER COUNT (Opening Weekend): TBD

my friendzzzzz

when i sold the xbox 360 i waz alright but after a weeks i felt so sick nd sad 4 selling my x360 but my friendzzzz were were there 4 me so if they were not with me i waz gonna kill myself

i am officer

this is great i've got the message that i've been promoted to an officer in the RE & DMC union nd this is great so thank you Splinter_Girl88 for promoting me

:twisted: May :cry:

i took the blog's name from the movie [I AM LEGEND]

happy Easter

Happy Easter for everyone from THE PUNISHER and i hope that it would be a year full of awesome games for everyone

:twisted: May :cry:

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