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My thoughts on the DC reboot.

I wrote this at another website but I think it bears repeating here.

I guess the problem for me is that it does kinda boil down to it being a reboot/rewrite. During the oughts, DC's entire lineup could be described as Prelude to Countdown to Infinite Final Crisis and it's tie-ins. That whole thing went on so long that they actually started retconning some of the retcons they did at the beginning of the Crisis books. Other than failed story arcs for Superman and Wonder Woman, all that was really done during the entire period were the "Skittles Wars" in which we suddenly got a rainbow of rings.

Now we're doing a big overarching reboot ...... again. While I can understand it to be a jumping-on point, they're already messing with it by saying "Well, it won't be a total reboot. We're still continuing these story arcs". This, to me, seems a good way to nullify the point of it as now the scorecard will be "So, what's been carried over and what hasn't?".

That and Barbara is now going to be Batgirl again. To me, that seems to be the biggest news out of all this. We'll see how this works out. Gail Simone has been writing Oracle for years but I think that DC is forgetting their history with this.

Before Barbara got shot, Batgirl had about as much impact on the DC universe as Bathound did. Despite what Wiki says, she was just another spin-off character who, for awhile, had a regular role in the Batman families but nothing much was really done with her. They tried (I used to have one of the comics from when she was a congresswoman) but, by the time of the Killing Joke, she was still irrelevant. If it hadn't been for The Killing Joke and Yale/Ostrander running with the character, I imagine she would have been long relegated to the same limbo as characters such as Black Thorn & Gypsy ...... or would have been disposed of in the same manner as Kathy Kane.

So is it going to work out? Well, on one hand, Gail Simone will be writing her and I truly do understand the reasoning for Barbara to walk again. In a universe where people keep rising from the dead, it does seem hard to reconcile her remaining paralyzed (although I attribute "death is an inconvenience" to very poor writing/editorial direction). On the other hand, given the mishandling of Cassandra and Stephanie, we'll see if history repeats itself.As a sidenote, I may have the opposite reaction. I have long since dropped the superhero genre except for the annual What If? comics solely due to boredom with it. Yeah, I occasionally dabble in a Sinestro Corps war or whatnotbut, having collected comics since the early 80s, I can honestly say that most of the superhero genre is just really poorly written.

It would be nice if this reboot actually worked out and I started regularly collecting superhero titles again.