This issue is no brainer for most, censorship is baaad. I think that the people that oppose violent video games need to look at whether violent video games make violent people, or violent people play violent video games. It could also be argued that video games can serve as some sort of substitute to actually going out and shooting people, a way to take out anger and stress without actually hurting anyone.
@BarkingSpider81 it sure seems like older people don't understand the current state of technology. When reading this article, it becomes apparent that she doesn't know what she is talking about.
@jacksamuk But then think of all of the right to bear arms supporters that would bring up a shitstorm. I see the situation as somewhat of a stalemate, nothing can be done that won't offend a particular group of people.
It might be referring to a poem called The Sunflower, that describes the dying sunflower to a hanging man. There is also a book called The Sunflower, about experiences in the Concentration camps in WWII, it compares the Nazis to sunflowers. That would more explain the barbed wire from the previous video teaser.
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