Just the other week I read a post about EasyTuTu that allows you to play Baldur's Gate in the Baldur's Gate II engine. It installs super easy.
For the last couple of weeks I've once again been entralled in the BG universe. I have completely forgotten how much fun the BG series is. I'm going to play the same character all the way through the entire series which includes BG, BG:TOTSC, BG II:SOA, and to finish it all up BG II:TOB. Even though I've had all 4 games for just shy of 8 years now ( BG came out in 1998 ) I have never played through from start to finish with the same character. EasyTuTu allows me to play the original game with the updated graphics of the BG II engine.
If your interested in doing this as well just google "EasyTuTu" and you'll find out where to download it from.
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