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Kinda Old News. But News To Me. :P

Oh heavens. It seems that i've been away from GS for far too long. I have lots to catch up on.

For instance, I just found out that Sony is now allowing the PSN on your computer, to directly download onto your psp. So now I can buy those PS1 games for my PSP! The only thing is, almost none of the PS1 games are worth buying. Seriously, every single one is either an obscure title or already has a sequel on the PSP. The only one i'm kinda interested in is Syphon Filter. This makes me frustrated. Hopefully, they'll release a bunch of new PS1 games when firmware 4.0 comes out... *hint hint final fantasy, please?*

My birthday is on the 3rd of December, and the only game I asked for is the new Legend Of Zelda for DS. Any reccomendations for Christmas? I'm thinkin' maybe Picross. I'm into puzzle games like sudoku, so I heard it might be interesting.

Ha, I downloaded a pack of new themes for my psp off the interweb after finding out you could change the appearance of the XMB with the new firmware. I loaded them on my psp and just started trying them out. I've found my favorite, but one that really cracked me up was the beef-looking one. I found out later that it was supposed to be a cookie-looking theme. ;D i still think it looks like beef.

Song of the Day: "Aerodynamic" by Daft Punk