Havent been on gamespot for a while, psn is now online its hell good, free games!
therealpritchy Blog
How Osama Bin Laden Died
by therealpritchy on Comments
After years of hiding Osama Bin Laden is dead.
He was waiting in his little hiding spot, waiting for his PSN to come back on, until today, whe he had enough of waiting, and turned himself in to a SEALS team that shot him straight away! BOOM! Thats for 9/11!!
LA Noire
by therealpritchy on Comments
LA Noire will be coming out in Australia very soon! Im very excited to see what this baby can do! Haha! Grand Theft Auto......but your a cop........in the 50s........I dont think its fair to compare this to other rockstar games, because LA Noire is going to introduce a whole new genre in gaming.
Fast & Furious 5
by therealpritchy on Comments
This movie is by far the best movie of 2011 yet! Thats all I can say. The iPod/iPhone game has the best graphics on IOS for sure! A big improvement from the origanal fast & furious IOS game.
by therealpritchy on Comments
As you may have noticed from my banner on the to of my page, my PSN ID is EPiiK_Sh00TeR
This is BAD!
by therealpritchy on Comments
Some stupid hacker has hacked psn and gotten to personal information, dammit! Luckily, it sounds like Playstation have this covered....
PSN Hacked?
by therealpritchy on Comments
Playstation(R) Network has apparently been hacked. Ive tried to sign in numerous times but I cant because PSn is currently 'undergoing maintenance'. Rumor has it that some idiot has hacked the 'Network'. By what ive read on the Playstation Official Website, it sounds like were going to be waiting a while...
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