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theresistance34 Blog

Whats your favorite kind of music and band or rap artist?

I've been thinking shouldn't games put reel songs on their games?

I think so because it would give it a whole new feel to games. But I don't think that they should putonly one genre of music I think they should put multiple.You know like something everyone likes not just a handful. No questions asked I love the orchrestra's in games,but some of them fall very short.So I think they should put more pizzaz into the game,by adding real music,like rock,rap,country,solo artist,techno,and even all those other music that most people don't listen because that would give the band or the artist more publicity, so music groups shouldinvest in games they would get a boatload of cash

What are your favorite Music and bands.

I love Jimmyeatworld,smashing pumkins,owl city,black eyed peas,coolio,2pac,wolfmother,and,others thatI can't think right off the top of my head.

So share with me and comment me.Thanks.

Is the original Xbox better than the Xbox 360?

If you ask me I would have to say yes.

The reason is that when you firstplayed the original Xbox you feel like something new. I mean considering the Playstaion 2only had a few M rated games along with shooters. But the Xbox brought something new to the table, they brought shooters, fighting, racing and all these other great genres and titles, which we haven't seen before. When the Xbox 360 first launched everbody thought it was going to be huge and it was, but all the games they created is nothing ne it's all been there done that. The community is great, but the games are thesame. The first Xbox didn't have the three rings of death and other shortages that were bad they just simply made a great system the first time around, but the second time isn't the charm. If you agree with me message or comment me. Thanks.

Have games got worse?

Yeah some games have been getting worse trust me.Look at halo 3 that game series went from best then got less. Yes you would think by now that thanks to new tech things that games would be more greater,but no they just keep getting worse and worse. I mean why make a game if you put half mind,half heart, and half soul into it.Some game creators are brilliant,and those are the ones who actually care about the games they make.Why waste so much money on making a terrible game? and another thing thats stupid is that when a game creator makes an awesome game they think that it's going to work the second time. seriously it's like is there anything new.Another thing that creators should think about is that if your making a game series remember about the storyline.The creators make the first one so flawless,but in the second one they bomb it and try to take something so spectacular and turn it into trash.So if you agree with me i highly aprreciate it. Thank you.

Why PSP has it's benefits

The PSP is hands down the greatest portable device to have. It has incredible graphics,pictures,movies,internet,and above all you can play online with the games. Trust me it's such a luxury to have.You can watch movies if your traveling,you can play games,and a few online games have headset enabled so you can talk to some friends or meet new people. Its community is great. I think Sony people real effort into making this amazing product. My friends if you want the DS fromNintendo than go ahead and waste two-hundred dollars and something that falls short of everything. So if you have comments then comment me.

Why sony will overcome microsoft

Right now in commercials alll you see is Xbox360,but the truth to it all is that the PS3 has it's better qualities,such as free online,blu ray,some exclusive games,and internet. Now I do have both gaming systems,each with it's own benefits,but to me the Playstation 3 overpowers the Xbox 360. So in that case you can't call me a hater of the Xbob360 if I do own one and do still play it. For maybe the best reason that the Playstation 3 is the better system. Is that it does not have the three rings of death or the red ring, for instance I had my PS3 for about two years now and no breakdown,loss of quality,or disk problems. Which I wish could say the same for the Xbox 360,but I can't. Another uprising thing about the Playstation3 is that the games are starting to improve and be to same potential or better than the Xbox 360 games. Don't get me wrong the Xbox 360 has great standards of it's own such as a better online community, different uses from the types of Xbox360's,and some fun games. Yet for some reason I think that microsoft is trying to scam people by selling Xbox live cards,which if they really did care about their players than they would want to make that free for online?. So if your jammed trying to figure out which gaming system to get. I would prefer the Playstation 3 because in a year or two it will be better than the Xbox360,and in the long run it will be cheper because of the free online play,and free blu-ray,but mostly your not spending or wasting time waiting for your Xbox360 to come in from the repair place because of the three rings or broken cd-rom player. To wrap it up go out there and get a Playstation 3 people. because trust me you will enjoy the games the blu-ray and no to mention the internet browser. So go and pick up one.

TRansformers revenge of the fallen

Last night me and my father went to go see Transformers revenge of the fallen and it was positively mind blowing. The visuals are stellar and the fight scenes are even better,but not to mention some funny parts, however did have a couple of slow scenes they got to some parts where the transformers and the fighting actually looked real. So if your a fan of transformers,fighting,cool cars,and shooting, my friends look no further than Transformers revenge of the fallen.

Buy Resistance retribution

Hey guys why in the world are you just sitting there psp players? well get up go to the store and buy resistance retribution. Yeah it has it all the story is just fantastic. Though rarely hard to control is great,but what keeps you begging for more and more is actually an awesome multiplayer yes this time the game makers really thought that through. The online is so deep and will make you so glued to the screen. So get up and go buy it.

halo 3 is dissapointing

though halo3 isn't terrible.It's stil very bad you can buy more from your money with farcry 2. Halo has great graphics but poor gameplay.I mean Bungie totally changed the feel.To end a series,which is highly overrated,the second halo has a better motion. Not to spoil but, the ending is a lack of emotion and its nnot as epic as the other forerunners. So if your looking for a great first person shooter, go ahead and buy it, but its just great nothing more.