@deadpen: we'd be paying at least double the amount games cost currently right now. Plus, I'm not sure it would work exactly like you're describing it would. Fusing the game port with a processing or video port hasn't ever actually been done. Not saying it couldn't in the future, but as of now, there's no such thing. They should just make a console with good hardware to begin with, problem solved.
I know that games aren't supposed to be a history lesson, but they could have at least tried to be a little more accurate. This basically looks like BF4 with a WWI skin slapped on it.
Nintendo, they are a tenacious company. Seeing that they've had some of the most bipolar sales in the game industry, I'm quite positive that most of these rumors are either false, or just a small piece of the whole package.
While handhelds may be booming in Japan, as the mobile market is strongest there, Nintendo will have to focus on their home console just as much to keep western consumers interested. I'm not speaking for everyone, but only committed Nintendo fans such as myself will be interested in the handheld aspect. Of course there will be some that take another chance for Nintendo, and a decent base of children who want the handheld, but the bottom line is, is that western society has become more of a market for core gamers. We want good hardware and frequent software development.
I won't mindlessly defend Nintendo's decisions, because i believe I speak for many people when I say that if Nintendo releases a mobile focused console, they will be alienating their western consumers once again. The sales on tablets and gaming tablets have declined steadily over the past few years, so I see these rumors as another Wii U all over again. Fans would argue that the Wii U flopped because of marketing. But I stand by the conclusion that the Wii U failed because of dated hardware, weak software showcase, and lack of dedicated online services. Not to mention the gamepad was very offputing for most gamers.
If Nintendo wants to attract both core and casual gamers, they will have to do something like make the NX an OS, supporting a platform for future devices. This hybrid console theory is nothing new..
I think Nintendo will be smart enough to sell their devices separately. But if the NX is one platform for all their devices, this will make it easier for Nintendo and third parties to do work with. It would also explain why Nintendo has merged their development teams together.
As a Nintendo fan myself, I don't want another gimmick, and I don't want another underpowered toybox. Nintendo makes good games, but they would be even better if they sported some impressive visuals that compare to something like Overwatch, a game that uses cell shading. A theme Nintendo has been using quite frequently.
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