icecubefosho and jesusismyhomie, its too bad PC gaming is dead. enjoy the 4 week late multi consol games, no exclusives, repairs and crashes, and total lack of local play.
ps3 fallout is terrible. it was kind of the half done game they shipped. the bush on the PC one looks great though. Xbox 360 has better lighting, PC got better detail
ya sept you don't install your games onto xbox, and in a proper look, a computer that can handle a normal xbox 360 (60gigs in plenty) is \$560(before tax) ... so 360 is \$300 less... now you can rent games that dont have multiplayer. so for every game you buy, -\$10. Every game you rent, +\$40... so by now xbox should be around \$350 better deal, assuming you buy about 7 games and rent 3... ok and then you get a guartee that after 3 years, your xbox will still be running, so xbox will probably last about 4 years before you get RROD that is not covered... by then you rather have to spend \$300 to upgrade your computer, or just buy a fresh one. more then another xbox 360 with that 300, up to you. but by then the xbox 720 will be out and computers will go down in price and this will all start over.
fallout looks much better on 360, like much better, (PS3 was given .5 score less because of this), SC4 looks to dark on ps3, CoD WaW looks a bit better on PS3
this is kinda unfair. this is a 3rd party game, and 360s allways win at 3rd party games, also fallout 3 was a game that had huge complaints about it's graphics on the ps3. It was even given .5 less score on gamespot because of this. i mean 360 clearly wins here, but i dont think this is accurate
thesamasauris' comments