Out of what has been released so far this summer what is your favorite XBLA game. I didnt buy braid but Geo Wars and Bionic Commando were both great gonna have to give it Bionic Commando tho. Galaga looks lame but Castle Crashers will be a must buy for me.
I was just playing the free version but cant decide if it is worth 10 bucks. The new games modes sound like fun but no online and a very similar core game make me wonder. Any thoughts?
madden part planning part reflexes always a good time. And it has Vince Young and he is playmaker. Not to mention even if you play a hundred games you still have something to learn
It says its a 2600HD but since it is in a laptop I get framerates between that of a desktop 2600XT and a 2600HD in hl2. Ya I guess i should go ahead and buy one then any advice on which one. I dont wanna shell out a ton of money but if it will make my laptop perform better and last longer then I guess a cooling pad is the thing to do.
I bought a new laptop with 2.0GHZ dual core AMD, 3GB RAM and RADEON 2600HD and I have been noticing that it doesnt preform as well as I thought it would in games like mass effect. I can get the game above 800x600 so it has terrible jaggies and oly about 23-25 fps. I didnt expect to game on a laptop but I expected better thank this. It runs very hot about 70-74 C does this slow it down? Is this safe or will i overheat the system.
well i got mass effect from d2d hoping itll have more replayability. So in a short 13 hours ill be able to play... Didnt think it would download at a crawling 115 kb/s. Comon d2d step up!
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