Its a rainy Wednesday morning here in NYC... and we're already missing that warm San Francisco sun.
We had a fantastic experience the past few days in SF... flew us all out there, put us up in a nice hotel, and even awarded us with Free Zunes... which was awesome.
Our first day in SF, we began the adventure with's Kevin Crouse as our tour guide. He gave us the whirlwind tour of the city and then we scarfed down some really good Thai Food. After the food, We headed down to a bar called Zeitgeist in The Mission. They had $12 pitchers of beer so we took advantage of the cheap suds. Our friends Cadi, John, Ray, & Steve were there to greet us at the bar. Needless to say we all crashed back at the hotel soon after, happy, and less than sober.
The following day was the day of the Elbo Room Event itself. We woke up and wandered around downtown SF for a few hours, before meeting up with Kevin at the super chic CNET offices. Its this completely modern office facility with great vintage arcade games scattered amongst the cubicles. We sat in for the "Favorite Albums" show with Chris... and we had a great time talking about the music we feel passionate about. Our drummer Grant went on this amazing rant about The Smith's "The Queen is Dead". It was a good story actually... and you can hear the whole show here on in a few weeks.
That evening was the Elbo Room show. The place was packed, the vibes were great. There was definately an electricity in the air. We played ten songs which will all be recorded on our upcoming full length record. They include:
Dance In Heaven
Dry On Ice
Give It Up
Claim Your Prize
Dreaming of an M16
Mercury Rising
Chain Reaction
Escape from New York
Ten Seconds
The audience was fantastic as they cheered us on throughout the show. And Native Guns played a great set of hip hop tracks later in the evening. They were a lot of fun.. and a nice bunch of guys.
All in all it was a great experience for all of us and we are so appreciative that we were given the chance to "get exposed" by The entire staff was super cool and really made it a worthwhile adventure. Definately check out our live video clips from the show here on MP3 as they arrive online... and let us know what you think.
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