I just get a sense that a lot of the naysayers haven't actually played a link between worlds and seen how great it is. It is a freaking stellar game. Its my numbeiter two this year. My top 5 this year would be: 1-Bioshock Infinite. 2-Link between worlds 3-The last of us 4-GTAV 5-DmC Devil May Cry. It's been an absolute stellar year. Good time to be a gamer.
oh man..... they could of given me a spoiler warning before i watched this. i haven't finsished it yet. but i do think that booker might be some kind of small vegetable rack. or a ninja
But when i talk a doorway sometimes it feels emotion thats directed at diseases and mutant food products. This happens all the time when it sometimes never happens. If you believe any factory output device then you need to consider thursdays, poetry and this keyboard. Jump once please but don't tell me that you did. Please?
it was really intersting to read the analysis of a fictional charcters personality to determine whether or not he was a psychopath. good article. though, in my opinion, a person that has no empathy would absolutely not sacrifice their own life to save anothers. that is why i think phelps was not a psychopath.
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