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thestickdude Blog

back... again

yeah i once again got bored of gamespot and abandoned it. but with the recent release of soul calibur 4 and the buzz of e3 and all that crap, i started coming here again. look who came crawling back, rite? hahaha yeah... well here i am again, the st!ckdudes back!

Hey everyone! Im back!

woo its been a while, its gonna be weird getting used to this place again haha! well here i am once again! just thot id let everybody know that the Stickdude has returned to reclaim wuts rightfully his... his Gamespot :lol:

WOO! Happy birthday to me!

yeah todays my friggin birthday yes! ive waited 15 yrs for this :lol: and now its finally come, i was tired of being 14 anyway. anywho ima go see live free or die hard for my b-day so laters!

Question about Game Collection and Tracked Games

yeah what is the collection supposed to have? is it supposed to have all the games you've ever had or just your currently owned games? and whats supposed to be in the tracked games list? i dont know im just confused about the whole thing, somebody please straighten this out so i can have the proper things where they belong.


i want one of those things like other people have when they post n stuff where its like a picture on the bottom but i have no idea how to get those so yeah. welp if u know how to get one do tell!

Just posting a blog

just felt like posting something cuz i havent in a while... don't have anything to say really... actually i guess ill think some stuff up! armored core 3, pretty awesome game! totally worth playing! i wanna get armored core 4 but i dont have any of the next gen systems! i really want a wii, they look cool! i also want an xbox 360 for halo 3! i really wanna play that! gears of war looks tight too! and for the wii that resident evil umbrella chronicles looks freakin sweet! i want that game! i cant freakin wait it looks so awesome! well so much for nothing to say, i guess ill stop here for the time being. later!


2006 VGA's... I MISSED IT!!!

S.O.B!!! I missed the 2006 VGA's! And I was totally looking forward to it for the longest time! Damn it! Hey if there's anywhere that I could watch a rerun, PLEASE TELL ME! I've gotta see it!!! 

New kick-ass banner!

Well i know a guy who knows a guy, and that guy is sgately869. He made me one kick-ass banner! If you're reading this, you did an awesome job! Anyway, just wanted to let everyone know i finally got a banner :D thanks to sgately869!