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Nintendo Wii.....My 2 Cents

I love the concept of the Wii and everything about it... but why are reviewers not taking into consideration the playablity factor into the ratings?   I just read a review of the golf game for the Wii and it is a really fun game, because of the swinging motion itself... IMO and that is just what it is my opinion... the actual wii remote adds at least a point and a half extra to it..

Another game Zelda, you get to swing the controller as the sword and actually fish... come on now.. that makes the game even more fun then it already was ... I would give it another point easily... 

I could go on and on, but i'll cut it short here... it's just that I think there should be another section like a Wii-ablity factor that would even out the scores a little better...

That's my 2 cents on the subject...
