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thesuperbean Blog


I've just finished the last mission of GTA Liberty City Stories. I know, it took me long enough, but I did have to wait for the PS2 version to be released.

The last mission is a let-down, it is over way too quickly and it's fairly easy, missions on Los Santos in GTA-SA were more difficult than this mission. Although, I did have a mini-gun, which is probably an unfair advantage against the dumb-ass gangsta's...

Rockstar, take heed, next time I want a have been warned! Mwahahahahaha

Nintendo Extravaganza

I missed the Nintendo Extravaganza this morning and yesterday afternoon. I thought it started at midday today, but it started at midday yesterday. When I eagerly logged in this morning, I found that not only had I missed the whole shabang, I'd missed out on buying a Nintendo DS Lite for only £50 instead of the usual £100.

Darn you for not leaving memorable e-mails!