Here is some exclusive gameplay by me from Ubisofts E3 2017 booth :)
TheTanelChannel's forum posts
A quick video from full version of Battlefield 1 wich just released! I played it for the first time at E3 2016 and then the Alpha, Beta and also EA Access.. this game is GOTY for sure :))
Check out the video and leave some feedback! Thanks :))
Specs: Intel Core i3 5005U, Intel 5500 GPU, 4GB DDR3, 128GB M.2 SSD.
Where to begin? MSi recently sent me this small cube so I could do a review for my small audience, THANK YOU for that MSI!
But never in my WILDEST of dreams did I think that this little box can run games like Tom Clancy´s The Division AND Grand Theft Auto V.. at a reasonable framerate.. for a PC this small this is insane.. now I wanna test more stuff from MSI :D
So I´ve been playing A LOT of The Division lately and after reaching DZ50 with 70h+ played I thought I have captured enough footage to make an actual review :) Also It´s my first ever english video review! So please take a look and leave me some feedback!Thanks :)
Hey whats up guys? Who is playing the Division atm?Absolutly massivley having fun.. INSANELY detailed world.. I think this might be the first game after Crysis that TRULY impresses me in graphics, amount of objects and the size of the playable world.. it´s breathtaking :) more videos to come!
Had a blast playing it. Also played it in my very own TV webseries show that I managed to get :D
Awesome game, check it out :)
My english is crap as hell but would be fun to support each other, maybe do collab videos :)
HeyHey, new video up now :) So this is a series of videos that is coming, I will be exploring the entire map in the The Division BETA! :) Check it out!
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