Updates first. Well, my xbox comes back tomorrow. I can't wait. Funny thing is this. When I sent it off, it weighed alittle more then a pound. According to the tracking info, it weighs 12 pounds coming back. Maybe I'm getting something nice from Microsoft? That would be nice. I finished selling the rest of my anime, which netted me $400. Which is good since I need more cash to survive the trip out there to Cali. Money is going to be tight, but I've been in worse situations. (Homeless anyone? :shock: )
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I thought I'd take the time to give people a glimse into my past. Since I think it'll help people understand me better! Or bore you to death.
I was born in Western Germany, back during the cold war. The 'war' itself was starting to end anyways, so I guess it isn't that big of a deal. I grew up in a strict family houseland, but I wouldn't say my parents didn't care. If I wanted something I had to get it myself since money was something I was always hearing about! I lived there awhile before moving to the States. (FYI, dad was Air Force)
Went through High School and life was better. I kept a summer job so I could buy myself things. The only game systems I ever got was a nintendo, bought by my uber rich grandma, and a N64, back when the PS2 and dreamcast had already been out. I got into trouble very little and was the only one in my group of friends who stayed away from drinking, drugs and making babies. I still do. I don't touch that stuff.
After high school, I enlisted in the Navy to work in Submarines and shiped of on a sunny day in August. By the way, don't ever hold your piss before the famous urine collection moment. I held it for hours...hours. I swear I damaged myself. Reason is I was so scared about not being able to go, I made darn sure I would be able to go. So from plane ride, to bus ride, to briefings....till I finally got to go. I put a hole into that cup lol. I was in Divison 369, a joint male and female unit. I was an E3. Called...a seamen. Sadly though, the Navy didn't want me around and discharged me around the grounds something was wrong with my blood. Never figured it out, even now.
After I came back, I worked at Wal-mart and hated it. But work is work and I needed a steady income. But the lure of more money dragged me away. How could it not. I had bills to pay and crappy health coverage. So I signed up for a private security firm. As I have stated before when I mentioned working with them, I won't go into too much detail. But in the one year I stayed with them, I ended up taking a few human lives. People that were opposed to us and had to be elimanted. I regreted joining after that. Don't get me wrong, I can take a life to protect a loved one, or to protect my country, but that left a bad after taste.
When I returned, I quickly made my way back into the civilan world. I worked for CEA Technologies, working on medical equipment and got to see some classified MRI cables! I wore a clean suit and stayed in a closed off room testing all sorts of equipment. But the place had many Koreans working in it, who were like a pack. So I later found out that I was laid off in order to hire a Korean who was a friend to all of them. I wasn't happy, but I did get a nice reveange. Without even meaning too. Since the computer is tied to the user, I locked it, per company rules when I was called away. When they handed me my last pay check and 'fired' me, I quickly left. An hour later, I got a call to come and unlock it. I named a price and they then pleaded with me. I'm normally a nice guy, too nice, but my co-worker had already texted me about the new replacement worker. So I didn't go. They ended up paying alot to unlock it.
I worked for Lowe's afterwards, from 4 am to 1 pm. I loved that job. Got laid off from there. Then worked for the government at a park for 6 months. Laid off. Hurray huh? And as of now, I'm still unemployed as there is little to no work here. I leave this 28th of September to go be with the love of my life. I can't wait to be with her. Without her, I wouldn't be here. Thats all I have to say to that. She saved me. So I'm selling all I can, loading up the car and hoping life goes well over there.
But anways, I wrote alot so I'll stop. let me know how you all are doing. And thanks for visiting my blog. Hope you enjoyed my life lol.
As always...puppy.