Yep. Been quite a few weeks since I ventured back here. So I was informed by the lovely Naomz that she had tagged me, so I have returned to grant that tag. From what I understand, there's a music tag thing going around. But sadly, my ears were torn off in a fight with an evil monkey so I shall do the regular one. (Mostly cause I only listen to instrumental music. lol)
Ten random and mostly useful facts about me.
1. I finally got my car fixed, which means I can drive.
2. I saved a kid from drowning on Saturday at my brothers apartment while everyone stood there and watched him.
3. Bear sheds so much that I'm making a wookie outfit.
4. I haven't played my 360 for a long time.
5. I still need a job lol
6. My mother is trying to get me to join the airforce.
7. I ate so much ramen this past month I get sick looking at the package.
8. However, I still manage to buy soda.
9. I'm very boring because I'm already out of things.
10. I'm still unloved :P