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Helping ourselves, or others?

Time for a serious blog for once. A side I normally don't show. I just got done reading a report about how one in seven familes here in the U.S has trouble putting food on the table. (49 million Americans) Considering the rather tough times we're living in, it comes as no surprise. But it made me think. Now don't take this in the wrong way. But for as long as we've been able too, we send tons and tons of food shipments to poor countries around the world to feed people who can't feed themselves. We send medical supplies to these countries, when people here can't afford medical themselves. And so on and so on. While I'm all for helping the world, shouldn't we help our own people first. We make such a big deal about sending aid abroad when we have our own problems here at home. All that money we spend on these life missions and then we don't have any to help our own citizens. Now, even if you live in another country, I'm sure it has some form of foreign aid it gives out, and hence, the cycle continues.

I must sound like a cruel person, but I guess it comes from past experience. If I'm fighting for my country, it bugs me that my own country isn't taking care of its own people. Its just not enough honestly. They've closed down several homeless shelters where I live, and what now? Can't we redirect the thousands for the homeless in another nation to help our own? Why can't we? Now tell me if I'm sounding evil, but really? We are a powerful nation, and ironically, many of that nations we aid hate us. So they hate us, and we feed them and give them medicine. And here in the U.S, we have homeless who fought for our nation, bled for it, some who are just down on their luck, who won't eat tonight, won't get medical care...and for what? They are our own people. Our people. We are not a united nation in anyway, and as bad as it is, that's the beauty of it. You can believe what you want. You can get up each morning and vote? You can love. You can go to the store and buy things. We live in the beauty of freedom. And while we enjoy that when others can't, it enables us to help. But that help isn't directed toward ourselves. Maybe that's why our nation is how it is. We help others before we help our own, but is that even right? I'll keep this short, but please let me know how you feel. Help ourselves first. Our help the world first.