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How Do You Play?

How Do You Play?

All gamers have a unique personality set up when it comes to games. We get different kinds of games ranging from first person shooters to role playing games that take up hours of our lives. We are picky about certain systems, and in some cases will venomously defend such system regardless. Furthermore, we all set up our gaming area in different ways. Some put their games in alphabetical order, some have cases strewn apart. We have surround sounds, tiny TVs, and so on. Its our world in every sense.


Now here's my question for you all. How do you play? Flop atop of the couch? Lay across the floor and crane your neck in awe of the flashly lights across the screen. Grab some hotpockets and a soda and plop on a bean bag? For me, I sit in a floor based rocking chair with my laptop to my left, my dog next to me and the TV in front. And yes, hotpockets and soda. My collection is in my room, neatly arranged on a shelf. My collection has varied in size over the years, from three hundred plus games to a minor twenty or so. Which is what I have right now.


So how do you play? Tell me.