So I've been barely hanging in there, haven't smiled for awhile now. I feel so blah inside, but that's life for you. I actually sat outside in the rain for awhile and just pondered life. After I felt too emo and my cold was worse, I went inside lol. I've thrown myself into video games to get my mind off things, and its worked too a point. I've played Brutal Legend, Wanted Weapons of Fate, Wet, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2, and Dead Space. Now, I'm going to center on Dead Space today. I hate horror movies. They terrify me. When I got dragged to Dawn of the dead, whatever its called, it deeply effected me. I kept a loaded pistol next to my pillow and bolted my door shut. I have a very active mind! So why would I play Dead Space? I don't know. Well, the game was scary. Very scary. For me at least. But it was very good and I pushed all the way through it. Now here's the thing I realized. I'd be horrible at trying to survive. Not because I'd die early, oh no. I'd steal all the good things and hide or run away in the only escape vehicle. Or do this...
You wouldn't live very long around me. The fear would push me to be rather insane lol. Resident Evil 5 was not scary to me, but I tended to horde all the medical supplies and ammo. Even for the guns I didn't own. My reasoning is that I'd pick up a weapon that uses it eventually. My team mate was not amused. But at least its a surivial skill. While everyone else is busy re-grouping, comparing supplies and such, I'm dragging a massive machine gun down the hallway in full armor with the pass card clenched in my teeth whimpering. Only stopping to steal even more stuff. Which also brings up a good point. For the survivors following my path, at least everything bad will be dead. Just don't plan on finding anything use full. Unless it was just too heavy for me. lol. Anyways, take care...and of course. A puppy.