The Realms of Fantasy. A wishful Reality.
I will admit right now. I wish I was not born into this world. As a highly imaginative person, I'm a firm believer of other worlds out there. Not just in ours, but in different planes, where fantasies of our world, exist as reality in theirs. I've never been truly happy here, and many times I just blame it on myself. I imagine too much. What it would be like to live every day where you could say good morning too a beautiful elf, or run into a dragon. Even the most simple things like going to a market and using coins to barter for goods and items.
There are so many possibilities in a world like that. Role Playing Games can only capture so much of that wonder, of that feeling of walking into a forest and seeing sights that one would think impossible. Maybe wishing to have a life of adventure is silly, but to me, strapping on a sword, lifting armor over my shoulders and leaving for sights unknown...makes me more happy then you can imagine. I crave stories, I write stories, watch movies....I'm addicted too it. How can the idea of majestic towering cities of ivory and splendor, hand carved by beings thousands of years ago, not poke at you? I for one, would love to live in a city like that. To wake up, throw up the shutters and breath in fresh air. That's right. Candles for your light. No video games. No such things as cars and planes. Just horses, steam powered inventions, and every magical creature of the air that you can think off.
Play a online game, and you'll notice the most curious things about players. Some are the type always rushing for adventure, that thrill of the unknown. Others are content to sit in the cities and sell their wares. Others travel to learn all about their world. Without even knowing it, we automatically play how we'd want to live. To use magic and heal, to hit a target with a bow...everything! Now I'm just going by my ideal world, which drips with fantasy. Harpies, dragons, unicorns, Naga, and so on. Elfs, dwarfs, haflings, orcs and goblins. The list can go on forever. A perfect world in my eyes...
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Look at this picture. Now tell me this. If you came over a crest and saw this...would you not want to go explore it?
And thats the feeling. Its so hard to describe. Hopefully so far you won't think I'm insane. Even if I may think I am. If I had the chance to live in the world like that. I would drop everything and go. Even leaving my family behind. Sparkling lights in a green dew forest, dripping caves lit by stunning ancient magic, breath taking valleys of bright greens, etc. But sadly, I'm stuck in this world for now. There's always hope, and thats always something. So please tell me. Have you ever wanted to have a world that you would truly come to love? A place where you could be who you wanted to be? Tell me. I truly would like to know. Write as much as you would like!