Hello my dear friends of the Gamespot universe, I thought I'd grace you all with a blog in hopes you'll read it! ^_^ I've been much better now, having come to grips with what happened previously, so I'm glad to say I'm smiling now. Though I have to admit, getting a puppy did help. Even though he enjoys waking me up at 6 AM everyday. I found out recently if I get my puppy trained and K-9 certified, I can bring him with me if I go back into my security work. Though, the negative side is that he could end up in a combat situation with me. And I can't bear to imagine that cute puppy suddenly being a war dog! On that note, thats his new name by the way. I renamed him Bear.
I've been waiting for Modern Warfare 2 and Left 4 Dead 2. I so can't wait for those games to come out! ^_^ I'm normally very patient, but its so hard to have to wait. I rented Borderlands and thats a fun game, though the only downside is playing alone. I've had a hard time working out a good time to play with others, but I've had rotten luck with that. Regardless, its an amazing game worth a look at, if you enjoy a FPS RPG. That sounds like a gun lol. I have it till Friday. I also traded in some games for that Capcom triple game pack. Got all the way home with it, opened it up and found that two of the three discs where damaged. Luckily, they let me return it, though for store credit. But its better then nothing. At this very moment, I'm downloading the L4D2 demo, since forever. Taking way too long. Anyways, take care everyone.
Quote of the day:
Not every disaster
is caused by nature.
Some are designed,
for the world to watch.
When order collaspes,
the only way to survive
is to fight together.
CAMO BEAR! (I stuck some old camo on him. He seemed to like it)