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The Odd things...

So I'm bored. Waiting for the UPS to show up and give me my MW2. So I decided I might as well make a blog about some of the odd things I've seen in the internet. And I know we've all seen some crazy things. Just logging onto Facebook and seeing the odd stuff people post is reason enough. The internet will always be a source of entertainment, until we run out of internets and are forced to flee to where there is some. (South Park Reference lol)

For instance, can you imagine buying this off Xbox live? Can you even have that amount of Microsoft points at one time?


Thats like $1,250 dollars I think. I wouldn't mind having that many points floating around. Now of course, I could flood this blog with the thousands of pictures out there, but I won't. I found the xbox one to be too funny not to show. For those interested in funny sites, there's quite a few of them. Lamebook, and peopleofwalmart to name a few.

So yes this blog is quite pointless, but I'm killing time. So forgive me lol. And a shout out to mprezzy. Hang in there buddy! ^_^

[Update 1: Still not here lol. 2:32 PM]