I can't say MGS5 is a 10/10 game. Maybe you think this if it's your first Metal Gear game. Metal Gear Solid 1,2,3,4 all had better story. Its super repetitive with most of the sidequest are the same except maybe a few. The boss fights aren't nearly as fun as the rest in the series. The character's aren't nearly as memorable. If this get 10/10 then, all the other Metal Gear Solid games deserve a 11/10.
@boxjohny: I see some good exclusive here. There's Gravity Rush 2, Yakuza 0, Uncharted, Horizan Zero, Shenmue 3, I'm not sure how good it is but it does have a cult following, Nioh, Persona 5, Ni No Kuni 2, Danganropa was great on the vita. There's also: God Of War 4, Crash Bandicoot Remastered, Nier 2, and Death Standing. I don't know they sound good to me. Xbox one has Halo 5 multiplayer, Gears of war 4, Halo wars2. I thought Scalebound and Fables legend sounded good but they cancelled them. Btw we don't talk about Halo4.
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