Why there is depressive or suicidal black metal? What does depression or suicidal thoughts have to do with black metal?? Seriously, bands that claim to be depressive or suicidal just make black metal somekind weeping emo circus...I mean we have too many posers already, do we need more? I claim that none of those playing in such bands could ever kill themselves. I dare any Shining member to go and blast his brains to walls.
Yes, black metal always had kind of depressive side to it but mostly it was about strenght and invidualism. And then comes these guys saying "We play depressive black metal" and EVERY EMO IN WORLD START SUDDENLY TO LISTEN TO BLACK METAL! These bands have left none of the ideology of black metal left nor does it sound like black metal. It sounds something like doom metal, so why don't they just say that they are doom metal?
And whats with all this hifi crap in black metal? One day I bought Beherit's "Drawing Down the Moon" and opened the cd case. I looked at the booklet and it read "REMASTERED BY" and with those words it was quaranteed that it sounded complete crap and none of its original appeal was left. I mean it almost sounded like power metal with black metalish vocals...Same with Darkthrone's "A Blaze In The Northern Sky" I couldn't stand the remastered version. I think that NO black metal albums should have triggered drums, equalized drums, album mastered by some random dude, recorded in a proper studio, remastered. These are like insults towards the bands and are worse than bootleggin. I mean most of the bootlegs still sound like something but these remastered version...They could be Children of Bodom played little sloppier and with rasper vocals...But it seems that in black metal lives some commercialism and we will never get rid of that...
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