Night at Roxbury movie was dumb but a decent comedy based off on a Saturday Night Live skit.
thewizzer's forum posts
my favorite toys when I was a little kid in the 1980s
Power Lords
Star Wars
G.I. Joe
Legos. original stuff such as knights, outer space stuff, plain old green base to play around with
Lincoln logs
Dont Break the Ice
He Man Masters of the Universe
Pound Puppies
Robo Force
Go Bots
I never bothered trying to play Perfect Dark back then. Because of the damn rumble pack nonsense
I remember the original Perfect Dark game for the Nintendo 64. My nephews had the game and the stupid rumble pack was required for that game which was annoying.
Plus the graphics were pretty horrible and back then I i didnt understand the game and how to start it. It was a poor mans version of Goldeneye which was the problem at the time back then
Games Im playing this weekend
Kingdom Hearts 1 of Kingdo Hearts 1.5 for my Playstation 3
Dark Souls II for Playstation 3
Obscure the Aftermath for my PSP whenever im not busy with other stuff
read hardcover book of Stephen King's Dark Tower III to take a break from playing vidyagames
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