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thewolf619 Blog

If only Madden games counted.

Okay, so my Raider game against the Bills, in Madden 09 (PS3) went a bit differently than real life, but I put together some video evidence of the awesomeness that was the final minutes of the game.
Setting the stage, I was up 10-7 in the third when they scored a TD to go up 14-10. I suck up the clock into the fourth and go up 17-14. With a minute and a half left they go up 21-17 and sets up the final minute of the game.
Kick return to the 30yd line.
1st down, 1:13 left
1st Down, 1:06 left, no huddle, audible into a deep pass. Couldn't believe how wide open he was.
TD!! Raiders 24 Bills 21
Unfortunately I scored a bit too fast so there is still a 58seconds left on the clock.
Kickoff they get to the 24yd line.
1st down 52 seconds left. Unlike the real life Raiders, I run a weak side blitz
2nd down 31 seconds left this says it all.

Raiders Win!! I'm 3-0 in my Franchise, Real Life 1-2
Of Course the Madden version of DiAngelo Hall is a monster, real life Hall sucks hard.

As I said, if only Madden outcomes counted. lol

Wii Fit Progress 6/16/08

Well, after 10 days off and a whole lot of fun in the Disneyland Resort in Anaheim I got back on the Wii Fit this morning with the following results:

Mon 6/15
Activity New/Old
BMI 30.20/30.12
Agility Test 15/15
Steadiness 57%/71%

Wii fit Age 38/37

Not bad, I gained only a pound which is good considering how much junk food I was eating on vacation. hehe
I still need to work on getting that agility test down, rocking back and forth is one thing, but trying to pass over randomly placed squares is a whole other story. Oh well, just gotta keep at it.

Wii Fit Progress 6/5/08

Late on this as I've been busy at work. lol
Had a good WiiFit workout today, with the Free Step, 3 minute Hula Hoop, and various strength/yoga exercises. But I didn't do a whole lot yesterday so my weight went up a bit. hehe

Wed 6/4
Activity New/Old
BMI 30.12/30.09
Single Leg 73%/76%
Steadiness 62%/71%

Wii fit Age 37/29

My Balance was a bit off this morning, guess I need to get more sleep and stop staying up to almost midnight. lol
But sometimes I just can't get enough of Hot Shots Golf. :D

Wii Fit Progress 6/3/08

Man, I'm sore this morning. lol
The workouts are going well, but my weight isn't changing. Probably time to tweak the diet a bit. Here's my results for today.

Mon 6/3
Activity New/Old
BMI 30.14/30.09
Single Leg 62%/56%
Basic Balance 25.15/30.00

Wii fit Age 34/36

I think I flubbed the Single Leg Raise from yesterday and it was a different exercise. Oh well, the Wii Fit Age is still correct. lol
Hopefully a Diet tweak will help begin the weight drop, but I do have 6 months to drop the 20 pounds, so I'm not too concerned right now. I think the big test will be when I head to Disneyland this weekend and into next week. Lots of walking and gonna need to resist the snacking temptation. Will Power!!

Wii Fit Progress 6/2/08

Had a great weekend and even was on Wii Fit for over 30 mins game time yesterday. Although my results may have plateaued a bit, we'll see how things go during the week. But here are my stats for today:

(The Old Stats are from Sunday.)

Mon 6/2
Activity New/Old
BMI 30.09/30.03
Single Leg 71%/71%
Walking 76%/83%

Wii fit Age 36/38

my weight went up .7 but atleast the Wii Fit age was below my actual age, even if it's one year. lol

More and more I find myself booting WiiFit more than booting the PS3 or 360. I just find it more fun right now to try and beat my high scores in the Balancing Games than to play anything else. I'm sure this will change by the end of the summer, but for now I'm thoroughly enjoying my time with WiiFit.

Wii Fit Progress Report

I forgot my notes at home yesterday so todays stats will be a 2fer. Here they are:

Thu 5/29
Activity New/Old
BMI 29.93/30.34
Basic Balance 30.00/28.97
Single Leg 64%/42%

Wii Fit Age 40/40

Fri 5/30
Activity New/Old
BMI 30.09/29.93
Single Leg 71%/64%
Walking 83%/0%

Wii fit Age 28/40

So my BMI was back into Obese territory but my Wii Fit age dropped dramatically. So an overall positive Test. I did a bunch of Aerobic and Strength Training Exercises and ended with the Warrior Yoga Pose. Overall it was a good workout. Over the weekend I plan to incorporate my Stationary Bike Workout. Good Times

Wii Fit - It Begins..

My wife and I started "playing" this last night and had a blast. I dig the mini games and the exercises are really good, I was sweating after just a few minutes. lol
I decided to be a bit conservative with my goal and set it to 20lbs in 6 months. I'm hoping adding this to my stationary bike workout will help me reach my goal early. My wife is mostly using it for balance training as her BMI is pretty much perfect at 20.89% while I'm up at 33.59%. doh!
I figure if I post results/progression weekly, or daily, then it will keep me motivated. My first progress report will be tomorrow.